Mounting NFS in Manjaro Linux

I have a Synology NAS set up on my network to handle system backups and file sharing. I tend to create a lot of VMs based on Manjaro and Ubuntu, so I’m posting the commands I use the most to get access to my share.

Name Value
Network Location
Source Location /media/SharedFolder
Mount Location /mnt/NFSDrive

In the Manjaro client, ensure you’ve got nfs-utils installed to mount the drive. If you are running an Ubuntu client, ensure you’ve installed nfs-common instead.

Now create folder and add entry to /etc/fstab

$> pamac build nfs-utils
$> sudo mkdir /mnt/NFSDrive
$> sudo nano /etc/fstab /mnt/NFSDrive nfs defaults 0 0

Now mount your drive as root

$> sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/NFSDrive